Microsoft Professional Program for Big Data

Learn how to build big data solutions for batch and real-time stream processing using Azure managed services and open source systems like Hadoop and Spark. This curriculum will teach you the skills required to capture, process, and analyse data for today’s data-driven world.

12 - 30

Technologies you will use to gain your skills

Azure Data Lake
Azure data factory
Azure Stream Analytics

Track detail

Each course runs for three months and starts at the beginning of a quarter. January—March, April—June, July—September, and October —December. The capstone runs for four weeks at the beginning of each quarter: January, April, July, October. For exact dates for the current course run, please refer to the course detail page.

* Courses can be taken during any course run and in any order. When multiple course options are listed for a skill, only one must be completed to satisfy the requirements for graduation.

  • Introduction to Big Data

    Provided by Microsoft

    Get started with the Microsoft Professional Program for Big Data by learning how the program works, and getting up to speed with some basic data fundamentals.

Microsoft Professional Program Certificate in Big Data

Build and demonstrate big data solutions.

Each course in the Microsoft Professional Program in big data features hands-on labs so you can practice with the most sought after skills. Assessments that require more than just memorization ensure that you have mastered these new skills.

Learn on your own time

All courses are available online and on demand – so whether you plan to spend a couple of hours per day or a couple of hours per week, you can work on these skills at the pace that is right for you. And since the curriculum consists of massive open online courses (MOOC) on edX, you can watch the videos on your tablet or phone.

Frequently asked questions

Question What is the Microsoft Professional Program?


The Microsoft Professional Program (MPP) is a collection of courses that teach skills in several core technology tracks that help you excel in the industry's newest job roles.

These courses are created and taught by experts and feature quizzes, hands-on labs, and engaging communities. For each track you complete, you earn a certificate of completion from Microsoft proving that you mastered those skills.

Question Why should I consider participating?

The Microsoft Professional Program provides real-world skills and hands-on instruction that keeps pace with the technology industry. These courses can be rigorous but rewarding, with the flexibility to master skills at your own pace, and a robust capstone project that demonstrates your knowledge. Not to mention you get the important credentials employers want.

Question How do I sign up?

First, sign in to Next, explore the Microsoft Professional Program tracks, and enroll in the one that fits your career goals.