What's HOT in Feva Works
Mastering Web Design and Development
Mastering Video Production with Generative AI
Mastering Advanced Design and Video Editing using Canva Pro
Microsoft 認可 - Mastering Microsoft 365 Copilot
Certificate in Visual Design using Canva
免費 - Online ChatGPT and Content Marketing Workshop
Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce
Certificate in AI Art Generation with Midjourney
Certificate in Business Automation with chatGPT
Certificate in Blockchain Technology
Microsoft Exam Voucher $850
免費 - Microsoft Power Platform Workshop
Certificate in Microsoft Power Platform
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (3年特別版)
CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Marketing
CEF 認可 Certificate for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign
Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy
CEF 認可 Certificate for Microsoft Excel in Business
i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年版)
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (2年特別版)
Certificate in Microsoft PowerPoint 365
Certificate in Microsoft Excel 365
Certificate in Microsoft Word 365
Certificate in Microsoft 365 (前稱 Microsoft Office)
免費 - Adobe InDesign x Photoshop x Illustrator CC 應用工作坊 (新增 Adobe AI 生成內容)
Certificate in Big Data Analytics with Excel and Power BI
Corporate Training Program 企業培訓服務
免費 - Big Data Analytics with Excel and Power BI Workshop
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students
免費 - 全方位 Excel Functions (函數) 應用工作坊
Certificate in Excel VBA
Mastering Web Design and Development
Mastering Video Production with Generative AI
Mastering Advanced Design and Video Editing using Canva Pro
Microsoft 認可 - Mastering Microsoft 365 Copilot
Certificate in Visual Design using Canva
Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce
Certificate in AI Art Generation with Midjourney
Certificate in Meta Spark AR
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (3年特別版)
CEF 認可 Certificate in Creative Mobile Game Design and Development
CEF 認可 Certificate for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign
Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy
i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年版)
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (2年特別版)
免費 - Adobe InDesign x Photoshop x Illustrator CC 應用工作坊 (新增 Adobe AI 生成內容)
Corporate Training Program 企業培訓服務
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students
Using Adobe After Effects CC
Using Adobe Premiere CC
Certificate in Adobe Premiere x After Effects CC
免費 - 航空攝影和錄像製作工作坊
CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Video Production
CEF 認可 Certificate in Creative Mobile Game Design and Development
CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Marketing
CEF 認可 Certificate for Autodesk AutoCAD & 3ds Max
CEF 認可 Certificate for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign
CEF 認可 Certificate for Microsoft Excel in Business
CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Photography for Advertising
CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Video Production
Mastering Web Design and Development
Mastering Video Production with Generative AI
Mastering Advanced Design and Video Editing using Canva Pro
Microsoft 認可 - Mastering Microsoft 365 Copilot
中小學生 Microsoft AI 認證課程系列 - Certificate in Microsoft Azure AI 證書課程 (AI-900)
免費 - Business Automation with chatGPT Workshop
Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce
Certificate in AI Art Generation with Midjourney
Certificate in Cybersecurity
Certificate in Business Automation with chatGPT
Certificate in Azure OpenAI
Certificate in Blockchain Technology
Microsoft Exam Voucher $850
免費 - Microsoft Power Platform Workshop
Certificate in Microsoft Power Platform
免費 - Algorithmic Trading Development Workshop
免費 - Data Science with Python Workshop
Certificate in Algorithmic Trading Development
Certificate in Data Science with Python
i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年版)
免費 - Introduction to Blockchain Technology (區塊鏈技術)
Certificate in Big Data Analytics with Excel and Power BI
免費 - Big Data Analytics with Excel and Power BI Workshop
Mastering Web Design and Development
Mastering Advanced Design and Video Editing using Canva Pro
Microsoft 認可 - Mastering Microsoft 365 Copilot
Roblox 遊戲程式設計證書課程 Level 2 (恆常班)
Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce
Certificate in AI Art Generation with Midjourney
Certificate in Cybersecurity
Certificate in Azure OpenAI
Roblox 遊戲程式設計證書課程 Level 1 (恆常班)
Certificate in Blockchain Technology
Microsoft Exam Voucher $850
免費 - Microsoft Power Platform Workshop
Certificate in Microsoft Power Platform
CEF 認可 Certificate in Creative Mobile Game Design and Development
i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年版)
Certificate in Big Data Analytics with Excel and Power BI
Corporate Training Program 企業培訓服務
免費 - Unity 遊戲設計工作坊
免費 - Business Automation with chatGPT Workshop
免費 - Cybersecurity Workshop
免費 - Online ChatGPT and Content Marketing Workshop
免費 - Microsoft Power Platform Workshop
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (3年特別版)
免費 - Algorithmic Trading Development Workshop
免費 - Data Science with Python Workshop
免費 - Digital Marketing Workshop
i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年版)
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (2年特別版)
免費 - Adobe InDesign x Photoshop x Illustrator CC 應用工作坊 (新增 Adobe AI 生成內容)
免費 - Autodesk Software For FevaWorks Students
免費 - Introduction to Blockchain Technology (區塊鏈技術)
免費 - Autodesk AutoCAD 工作坊
Corporate Training Program 企業培訓服務
免費 - Big Data Analytics with Excel and Power BI Workshop
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students
免費 - Unity 遊戲設計工作坊
免費 - 全方位 Excel Functions (函數) 應用工作坊
免費 - 航空攝影和錄像製作工作坊
免費 - 數碼商業攝影工作坊
免費 - 多媒體網頁設計及互動程式設計工作坊
Mastering Web Design and Development
Mastering Video Production with Generative AI
Mastering Advanced Design and Video Editing using Canva Pro
Microsoft 認可 - Mastering Microsoft 365 Copilot
中小學生 Microsoft AI 認證課程系列 - Certificate in Microsoft Azure AI 證書課程 (AI-900)
民航處認可 - 小型無人機進階等級訓練課程
Certificate in Visual Design using Canva
免費 - Online ChatGPT and Content Marketing Workshop
Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce
Certificate in AI Art Generation with Midjourney
Certificate in Cybersecurity
Certificate in Business Automation with chatGPT
Certificate in Azure OpenAI
Certificate in Microsoft Power Platform
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (3年特別版)
CEF 認可 Certificate for Autodesk AutoCAD & 3ds Max
Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy
i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年版)
Certificate in Big Data Analytics with Excel and Power BI
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students
免費 - Unity 遊戲設計工作坊
免費 - 全方位 Excel Functions (函數) 應用工作坊
Certificate in Adobe Premiere x After Effects CC
免費 - 航空攝影和錄像製作工作坊
Mastering Web Design and Development
Mastering Video Production with Generative AI
Microsoft 認可 - Mastering Microsoft 365 Copilot
中小學生 Microsoft AI 認證課程系列 - Certificate in Microsoft Azure AI 證書課程 (AI-900)
Certificate in ChatGPT for Marketing & Ecommerce
Certificate in AI Art Generation with Midjourney
Certificate in Cybersecurity
Certificate in Azure OpenAI
Minecraft 程式設計證書課程 (恆常班)
Certificate in Blockchain Technology
免費 - Microsoft Power Platform Workshop
Certificate in Microsoft Power Platform
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (3年特別版)
Certificate in Algorithmic Trading Development
Certificate in Data Science with Python
CEF 認可 Certificate in Digital Marketing
CEF 認可 Certificate for Autodesk AutoCAD & 3ds Max
CEF 認可 Certificate for Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign
Certificate in Content Marketing & Social Media Strategy
i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年版)
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students (2年特別版)
免費 - Adobe InDesign x Photoshop x Illustrator CC 應用工作坊 (新增 Adobe AI 生成內容)
免費 - Autodesk Software For FevaWorks Students
免費 - Introduction to Blockchain Technology (區塊鏈技術)
Adobe Creative Cloud For FevaWorks Students
免費 - 數碼商業攝影工作坊