Python 是一個強大、快速、簡單易讀的程式語言
自1990 年代初由 Guido van Rossum (又常被稱為GvR 或BDFL) 創造至今已歷十數年發展,應用於系統管理、網路管理、網路傳輸程式、網頁程式開發、數值分析程式、圖形介面應用程式等方面,均有優秀的表現。
30多年過去,如今,Python 已經成為最受歡迎的程式設計語言之一,在 Web 開發、科學計算和統計、軟體發展、後端開發,以及近年來備受關注的人工智慧等領域有著廣泛的應用。 Python 已經成為各行業的必修課。
越來越多的人愛上了這門簡潔優雅的語言,開始學習 Python,使用 Python。
本課程特別針對 10 - 16 歲中小學生而設。
由淺入深教授各學員 Python 程式設計過程的重點及技巧,透過不同練習,讓學員輕鬆地製作出不同專業的作品,並結合於日常工作或生活上 。
Lesson 1: Introduction to Programming
- What is programming?
- Why is programming important?
- Introduction to Python programming language
- Installing and setting up Python on a computer
- Writing and running a simple Python program
- Variables and data types
- Input and output
Lesson 2: Basic Programming Concepts
- Arithmetic operators and expressions
- Binary system
- Conditional statements
- Nested structures
- Practice exercises to reinforce concepts
Lesson 3: Logical Operators, Loops and Functions
- And, or, not
- Augmented Assignment operator
- Loops
- Introduction to functions
- Writing and using functions to organize code and solve problems
- Practice exercises to reinforce concepts
Lesson 4: Library Functions
- Turtle graphic Library
- Random Library
- Tkinter Library
Lesson 5: Arrays, Lists and Tuples
- Introduction to arrays, lists and tuples as data structures for storing and manipulating collections of data
- Creating and accessing arrays, lists and tuples in Python
- Common operations for each data structure
- Examples of using arrays and lists to solve programming problems
- Practice exercises to reinforce concepts
Lesson 6: Files and Exceptions
- Read and write file
- Try and Except statement for handle Error
- Practice exercises to reinforce concepts
Lesson 7: Class and Inheritance
- Defining class
- Inheritance of class
- Practice exercises to reinforce concepts
Lesson 8: to-do List
- What is a to-do list
Making a to-do list in python
Lesson 9: Rock Paper Scissors and dice roll
Lesson 10: Dice game
Lesson 11: Hangman
Lesson 12: Guessing Game
合共: 24小時
課程費用: $5000
本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排 (民航處認可課程/攝影課程除外),令學員更有保障。
本中心榮獲各大國際機構 (Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, H3C, Lenovo, Corel, Prometric, VUE, Certiport, Wacom 等等) 邀請成為香港區指定的認可教育中心及連續15+ 年榮獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「商界展關懷」公司,以表揚 Feva Works 對社會的貢獻。
除此之外,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲 Microsoft 頒發全港最佳 Microsoft 授權培訓中心 (Best Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions of the Year) 及被 Adobe 選定為 Adobe CS4 & CS5 & CS6 & Creative Cloud 指定認可培訓中心。最近,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲e-zone 電腦雜誌頒發最佳IT培訓中心。