Certificate in Microsoft Access - Feva Works IT Education Centre

Certificate in Microsoft Access MASTERACCESS
FevaWorks 22 周年特別優惠

於7月28日或之前報名,可享超級優惠價 $999 (原價: $4,980) 及免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999

免費送你 Microsoft 365 個人版 (12個月, 盒裝版),價值 $540


Access 是全球最受歡迎的資料庫之一,透過 Access 我們可以輕易地有系統的儲存資料,並可與其他大型資料庫互聯,增加其擴充性。

最新版本的 Access 已全面改良了介面的設計,讓使用者更加容易使用。

Access 隨便操作也可以儲存一些資料,但是使用不正確的操作及資料庫觀念,就會弄得亂七八糟,到時候查詢的效率與結果可就不堪設想了。


完成課程後,學員將有能力全面應用 Access,應用於個人或商業上。

由於 Access 的應用非常普及,所以坊間亦有超過 100 個不同款式的 Access 課程提供。

為令你有最正統,最全面的 Microsoft Access 知識,Feva Works 特別開設 Certificate in Microsoft Access。

課程設計由淺入深,適合所有對 Microsoft Access 應用有需要的人士報讀。


FevaWorks 為香港微軟認可培訓方案合作伙伴




若想更了解以上資訊,歡迎致電 3106 8211 查詢。

Module 1: What is Access?

1.1. What is a database?
1.2. Access as an Relational Database Management System
1.3. Access as an Application Development System

Module 2: Exploring the Access Desktop Database Interface

2.1. Getting started with Databases
2.2. Understanding content security
2.3. Understanding the Office Fluent Ribbon
2.4. Understanding the Navigation pane
2.5. Using the single-document vs the multiple document interface

Module 3: Designing Tables

3.1. Creating a new Database
3.2. Creating your first simple table by entering data
3.3. Creating a table using Data Type Parts
3.4. Creating a table in Design view
3.5. Defining fields
3.6. Defining a primary key
3.7. Defining a table validation rule
3.8. Understanding other table properties
3.9. Defining relationships
3.10. Adding indexes
3.11. Setting table design options
3.12. Database limitation

Module 4: Modifying your table design

4.1. Deleting tables
4.2. Renaming tables
4.3. Changing field names
4.4. Moving fields
4.5. Inserting fields
4.6. Copying fields
4.7. Deleting fields
4.8. Changing data attributes
4.9. Reversing changes
4.10. Taking a look at Lookup properties
4.11. Working with Multi-Value Lookup Fields

Module 5: Creating and working with queries

5.1. Selecting data from a single table
5.2. Working in query Datasheet view
5.3. Selecting data from multiple tables
5.4. Using a query wizard
5.5. Summarizing information with total queries
5.6. Customizing query properties
5.7. Editing and creating queries in SQL view
5.8. Limitations on using select queries to update data

Module 6: Modifying data with action queries

6.1. Updating groups of rows
6.2. Creating a new table with a make-table query
6.3. Inserting data from another table
6.4. Deleting groups of rows
6.5. Troubleshooting action queries

Module 7: Using forms in a databases

7.1. Uses of forms
7.2. A tour of forms
7.3. Moving around on forms and working with data
7.4. Adding records and changing data
7.5. Searching for and sorting data
7.6. Printing forms

Module 8: Building a form

8.1. Forms and object-oriented programming
8.2. A simple input form
8.3. Working with Quick Create and the Form Wizard
8.4. Simplifying data input with a form
8.5. Working with Application Part Forms

Module 9: Customizing a form

9.1. Aligning and sizing controls in Design view
9.2. Enhancing the look of a form
9.3. Setting control properties for forms
9.4. Setting form properties
9.5. Setting form and control defaults
9.6. Working with forms in Layout view
9.7. Using themes
9.8. Working with Shared Resources

Module 10: Advanced Form Design

10.1. Basing a form on a multiple-table query
10.2. Creating and embedding subforms
10.3. Displaying values in an options group
10.4. Using conditional formatting in forms
10.5. Working with the tab control
10.6. Working with navigation controls
10.7. Using web browser controls

Module 11: Using reports

11.1. Uses of reports
11.2. A tour of reports
11.3. Printing reports

Module 12: Constructing a report

12.1. A simple report
12.2. Using the report command
12.3. Using the report Wizard
12.4. Working with reports in Layout view

Module 13: Advanced report design

13.1. Building a query for a complex report
13.2. Creating the basic Facility Occupancy By Date Report
13.3. Defining the grouping and sorting criteria
13.4. Setting section and report properties
13.5. Using calculated values
13.6. Creating and embedding a subreport

Module 14:  Creating data macros in databases

14.1. Uses of data macros
14.2. Touring the Logic Designer
14.3. Working with Before events
14.4. Working with After events
14.5. Working with named data macros
14.6. Debugging data macros
14.7. Understanding recursion in data macros


合共: 18小時

課程費用: $4980

於7月28日或之前報名,可享超級優惠價 $999 (原價: $4,980) 及免費送你 i-FEVA FevaWorks 網上視像課程 (1年),價值 $1999

免費送你 Microsoft 365 個人版 (12個月, 盒裝版),價值 $540







退款安排: 本中心備有完善之退款政策及程序。學生將會於報讀課程前獲發有關之文件,學員亦可按此閱讀。


本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排 (民航處認可課程/攝影課程除外),令學員更有保障。

本中心榮獲各大國際機構 (Adobe, Autodesk, Microsoft, H3C, Lenovo, Corel, Prometric, VUE, Certiport, Wacom 等等) 邀請成為香港區指定的認可教育中心及連續15+ 年榮獲香港社會服務聯會嘉許為「商界展關懷」公司,以表揚 Feva Works 對社會的貢獻。

除此之外,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲 Microsoft 頒發全港最佳 Microsoft 授權培訓中心 (Best Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions of the Year) 及被 Adobe 選定為 Adobe CS4 & CS5 & CS6 & Creative Cloud 指定認可培訓中心。最近,Feva Works 更連續 10 年獲e-zone 電腦雜誌頒發最佳IT培訓中心。

部份課程提供混合模式上課,學生可因應情況選擇以網上方式或面授方式上課。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3106 8211。
本中心歡迎各公司、機構或團體包團報讀課程,安排公司活動或同事培訓。想進一步查詢詳情,可致電熱線 3748 9826。
日期 2024/09/12 - 2024/10/17
時間 19:00-22:00 (THU)
合共 18小時
地點 網上 Online Live (Microsoft Teams)
費用 $ 999