Python 程式設計證書課程 (恆常班)
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課程費用: $5000





退款安排: 本中心備有完善之退款政策及程序。學生將會於報讀課程前獲發有關之文件,學員亦可按此閱讀。
質素保證: 本中心備有完善之免費補堂,免費重讀及彈性上課安排,令學員更有保障。
理論: 0小時 實習: 24小時 示範: 0小時

合共: 24小時



Lesson 1: Introduction to Programming

  • What is programming?
  • Why is programming important?
  • Introduction to Python programming language
  • Installing and setting up Python on a computer
  • Writing and running a simple Python program
  • Variables and data types
  • Input and output


Lesson 2: Basic Programming Concepts

  • Arithmetic operators and expressions
  • Binary system
  • Conditional statements
  • Nested structures
  • Practice exercises to reinforce concepts


Lesson 3: Logical Operators, Loops and Functions

  • And, or, not
  • Augmented Assignment operator
  • Loops
  • Introduction to functions
  • Writing and using functions to organize code and solve problems
  • Practice exercises to reinforce concepts


Lesson 4: Library Functions

  • Turtle graphic Library
  • Random Library
  • Tkinter Library


Lesson 5: Arrays, Lists and Tuples

  • Introduction to arrays, lists and tuples as data structures for storing and manipulating collections of data
  • Creating and accessing arrays, lists and tuples in Python
  • Common operations for each data structure
  • Examples of using arrays and lists to solve programming problems
  • Practice exercises to reinforce concepts


Lesson 6: Files and Exceptions

  • Read and write file
  • Try and Except statement for handle Error
  • Practice exercises to reinforce concepts


Lesson 7: Class and Inheritance

  • Defining class
  • Inheritance of class
  • Practice exercises to reinforce concepts


Lesson 8: to-do List

  • What is a to-do list
  • Making a to-do list in python

Lesson 9: Rock Paper Scissors and dice roll

Lesson 10: Dice game

Lesson 11: Hangman

Lesson 12: Guessing Game


如有任何有關課程之查詢,歡迎致電 3106 8211 與我們的客戶關係主任聯絡。
日期 待定
時間 待定
合共 24小時
上課地點 待定